The high-efficiency way of Polystyrene disposal

As we all known that the problem of recycling waste non-biodegradable material has caused wide public concern over the recent years. Especially the waste polystyrene foam materials damage to environment.


Polystyrene, more popular known as Styrofoam is used for a variety of applications due to its excellent properties like lightweight, damping property, strength and durability.

However, recycling of waste foam is the best way for Styrofoam disposal. As this material is light, making it easily to blow away and break up in the ocean or street, and most of the polystyrene foams end up in landfill sites. Burning or landfills leads to the increase in air, water and soil pollution.


To recycle waste polystyrene foam with polystyrene compactor is the most common way of Styrofoam recycling. As polystyrene composed of 98 percent air, hence compacting the loose foam can reduce the volume by 50 to 1 of its original volume. Compression of polystyrene foam results in the formation of logs that make it easy for its transportation to recycling plants where it can be melted into pellets for injection-molded products.


Polystyrene recycling has a lot of benefits; which can reduce the environmental pollution, save the cost of transportation.