Recycling polystyrene can achieve the recycling and reusing of resources

As we know a polystyrene foam container is problematic after using. Recently, Dart Container Corporation, a manufacturer of Styrofoam containers, suggests that polystyrene foam containers should be included in New York City’s curbside recycling program.

Why does the Container Corporation do that? Because the issue of banning the use of polystyrene is proposed by the mayor of the New York city once again. In 2013, the New York City Council passed legislation banning polystyrene foam products to reduce the waste. However, this ban didn’t take into effect.


“We have firsthand the recycling program and how it work,” a Dart spokesman said recently. “We have showed samples of material from New York City’s waste system that we’ve processed right in front of them. So they’ve seen it with their own eyes.”

In fact, environment scientists, food service manufacturers as well as recycling industry participants all confirmed that polystyrene can be recycled in a proper manner instead of being discarded as litter in a landfill. Furthermore, some industry insiders also think that recycling polystyrene foam containers should be a focus problem rather than ban the use of them.

thermal densifier

Throughout the whole world, the problem of waste polystyrene recycling has always attracted a wide attention. a host of polystyrene trash has been dumped into a landfill or the ocean, which is deleterious to our environmental protection.

But fortunately, a kind of high-efficiency polystyrene recycling compactor has been welcomed in polystyrene recycling fields. No doubt that this recycling machine can 100 percent recycle waste polystyrene foam with zero pollution.


the waste foam will be compacted by the machine and then it can be compacted into EPS blocks and then be granulated into PS pellets. Additionally, the PS pellets can also be sold at a good price. Therefore, polystyrene recycling can reach the ultimate aim of the recycling and reusing of resources.

So you don’t have to ban it, recycling is more wise. If interested, you are welcome to leave your comments.