GREENMAX polystyrene compactor as your best fellow will provide you the best recycling solution

Polystyrene is a rigid and tough closed-cell foam material. It is usually white and made of pre-expanded polystyrene beads. polystyrene is used for many applications such as food trays, plates, takeout food container and fish boxes.

It is reported that global materials company Trinseo has joined an industry to find new polystyrene recycling solutions for transforming polystyrene waste into recyclable material that will meet the most demanding industry standards.


The scheme was initiated by Plastics Europe and is aimed at achieving food-grade recycled polystyrene.

“Proactively advancing polystyrene recycling solutions is a critical task that Trinseo fully supports while adhering to circular economy principles,” said the company’s senior vice president Tim Stedman. He is an advocate of an objective, technology-based strategy and vision for the plastics and packaging industry.

ban of EPS products

“As a light and stable material, polystyrene not only insulates well, keeping produce fresh over long periods of time, but is a low-cost and recyclable alternative,” he continued.

In recent years, finding the best solution of polystyrene recycling has become the main issue worldwide. GREENMAX polystyrene compactor as your best fellow will always stand by your side to provide the best recycling solution for you.

Polystyrene compactor can deal with the waste polystyrene with zero pollution. How can this machine achieve that ? first, the machine is a kind of screw compression machine that can compress the waste polystyrene foam into EPS blocks. Second, the compactor enables continuous output at a ratio of 50 : 1, high density, high security, low utility consumption and absolutely no smell given put during operation.


GREENMAX polystyrene compactor as your best friend will always give you the best polystyrene recycling solution. If interested, you are welcome to leave your comments.