Reducing white pollution has been the ultimate goal of GREENMAX

With the rapid pace of people’s lives, social life is being facilitated and hygienic. In order to meet this demand, the disposable foam plastic lunch box, plastic bag, water cup and so on began to enter into people’s daily life frequently.



These convenient and inexpensive packaging materials have brought many conveniences to people’s lives. On the other hand, these packaging materials are often discarded after use, causing “white pollution”, forming environmental hazards and becoming a great environmental problem.

The main sources of white pollution are plastic film, plastic bags and disposable polystyrene foam containers. These different sources of waste all can be called waste plastic packaging. As most of the waste plastic packaging is white, it is called “white pollution”.


The waste plastic packaging scattered around the city, tourist areas, water and roads brings bad stimulation to people’s vision, which affects the overall aesthetic feeling of the city and scenic spots, and destroys the appearance and landscape of the city.

What’s more, After the waste plastic package enters the environment, because it is difficult to degrade, it causes long-term and deep ecological environment problems. For example, plastic packaging abandoned in land or water is eaten by animals as food, leading to animal deaths and landfill disposal will take up land for a long time.

Reducing white pollution is very urgent, but first, we have to recycle these waste material. Recycling machines play an important role. GREENMAX produces different kinds of recycling machines such as polystyrene recycling machine, EPS compactor, Styrofoam densifier and polystyrene compactor.


If you want to recycle waste polystyrene, this kind of polystyrene compactor could be of great help for you. The machine can deal with material including waste EPS, foam packaging and Styrofoam containers. The material will be crushed and compacted into EPS blocks, the EPS blocks can also be used to make useful things.

GREENMAX compactor can turn waste into a valuable resource instead of being white pollution. Thus, the waste can be well disposed. If interested, you are welcome to visit us.