The Development of New Type of Barrier Property of Food Packaging

Spain Plastic Technology Institute has been involved in research projects Banus, the main objective of the project is that no matter how the quality of recycled materials are, we must ensure the safety of food packaging functional barrier layer.

Banus project as part of the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme has been funding grants, started in July last year, planned duration of 24 months with a budget of 1.1 million euros. The project consists of nine from six different countries tissue composition, including Aimplas.


Establishing Banus project is to ensure the use of plastic and paper in the case of recycled materials, efficient barrier and maintaining food safety food packaging, food packaging unauthorized material from the recycling process even.

Aimplas spokesman said: Aimplas as an expert plastic materials and processing, to participate Banus project was to study and test materials migration, start sheet extrusion, thermoforming and laminationg pilot program. Additionally, Aimpla is the project coordinator Banus.


With the development Banus is, Aimplas want to increase the technical knowledge on the development of multi-layer barrier food contact packaging technology and materials so that the use of recycled material in the packaging structure, which will help improve the competitiveness of the European packaging industry.

7th Framework Programme, called FP7, the EU is the largest global investment in science and technology development programs. The European Commission on January1, 2007 to start the seventh Framework Programme, with a total budget of 50.521 billion euros. FP7 is the world’s largest official major scientific and technological cooperation programs, its research to the international forefront of technological difficulties and competitive as the main content, a high level of research, involving a wide field if investing a large, participating countries and more features. And the Banus projects involve barrier packaging in recycled plastic and paper use.