Polystyrene recycling should be promoted than banning

Reportedly, Zimbabwe’s Environment Management Agency has banned the use of foam containers as well as plastic bags. These food containers are made of expanded polystyrene (EPS), the ban on the polystyrene is applauding by more and more people.


As we known that polystyrene is harder to decompose, when it breaks up into smaller and smaller bits that will blow away everywhere by the wind. Once they get into the environment, especially in the food chain, are dangerous to animals.

To recycle polystyrene foam is very important, but how to efficiently recycle it is a problem. There is a good solution can be supplied by GREENMAX. Due to Polystyrene foam is bulky and 98 percent is air, making it takes up a lot of storage space, and transport it to recycling center is very expensive.

densified PS ingots

So a foam densifier from GREENMAX can help in reducing the volume, for the convenience of transport and saving storage space.

Foam densifier is very efficient, there are two steps of the process of the machine, the first step is to break the bulk foam up and the second compress it into dense blocks. The whole process is the most efficient way to recycle polystyrene with high ratio 90:1.


Polystyrene recycling is being paid more attention to, a foam densifier ought to be promoted in a large scale to recycle waste foam.