The best solution of polystyrene recycling can be found in GREENMAX

According to the report of China Daily on September 28, Ma Rong, a 25-year-old white-collar worker in Beijing, usually orders takeout at lunchtime, especially on hot summer days, to avoid crowded restaurants and save time.
“We don’t have a canteen or time to cook when working, so we have to rely on takeout,” she said.

In recent years, with the development of internet, takeout food deliveries become more and more prevalent in people’s life. While these services bring convenience, the nonbiodegradable foam containers used to wrap and deliver the food are damaging the environment, while mass provision of single-use wooden chopsticks is depleting natural resources.
Polystyrene foam food containers contaminate the environment but there’s no alternative because restaurants don’t use biodegradable bags. Thus we have to recycle these this material.


Polystyrene is a perfect material, it is not difficult to find a good way of polystyrene disposal. GREENMAX recycling is from INTCO, It is a professional specialist in polystyrene recycling which supply recycling machines.

GREENMAX APOLO series polystyrene compactor can smash the bulk foam into pieces and compact it into EPS blocks with high ratio 50:1. It means that the EPS blocks are 50 times smaller than before. and this EPS blocks can be used by INTCO to granulate and then make other products.


In the ultimate analysis, the takeout food deliveries can provides customer convenience,but do not forget to recycle it. If you are interested, welcome to leave your comments.