GREENMAX recycling has always been dedicated to polystyrene recycling

Reportedly, the village of Western Springs in the US will begin to hold monthly Styrofoam recycling collections. The idea came from First Congregational Church of Western Springs, where Wendy Vichick, a member of the church’s green team, said it has held Styrofoam recycling collections previously.takeout-food

“Once or twice a year over the past five years the church has filled 15-foot box trailers with the plastic foam that is often used in food containers, cups and shipping materials. What’s more, it never breaks down in the landfill and the Styrofoam blocks take up a lot of space,” she said.

Only 1.3 percent of all polystyrene discarded in 2013 was recycled, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Because it is light and easily breaks apart or flies away, it is a deleterious thing when the waste foam goes to landfills.

Polystyrene is about 95 percent air by weight and large amounts. Thus, it need to be collected and compressed before it can be recycled.


GREENMAX recycling is a reliable polystyrene compactor supplier which can help you solve the problem of polystyrene recycling. The machine can reduce the volume of the bulk foam with high ratio 50:1. The waste foam will turn into EPS blocks after crushing and compacting. Additionally, the EPS blocks can also be reused to make exquisite frame products.


GREENMAX recycling has been always dedicated to preserving natural resources and creating sustainable recycling system. If you are interested, welcome to join us.