Remember to recycle decoration foam after you enjoy Christmas

As Christmas gets closer and closer, many places have already started Christmas early. We could see Christmas decorations everywhere,the streets are full of Christmas trees, snow houses, snowmen and other decorations. While adding to the happy festival atmosphere, these Christmas decorations also bring many environmental problems.


Santa’s beard, cuffs and shoes are covered with cotton floccules, and the shoes, sledges, and snowballs are all made of foam. The lights were strung together and wrapped around the Christmas tree, snowmen, snowballs and bells hanging from the tree. Many white snowmen and snowflakes are made of polystyrene foam and when they finish their Christmas mission, they will be dumped in the garbage and will be polluting the environment.

You may be curious of what polystyrene is? Polystyrene, is more commonly called Styrofoam. It is a lightweight, rigid, closed cell material. Because it is about 95 percent air by weight and large amounts. Therefore, it needs to be collected and compressed before it can be recycled.


If we want to recycle polystyrene foam, we must have a kind of polystyrene recycling machine with high-technology. Thus polystyrene waste can be recycled for further uses in the recycling industry.

Polystyrene compactor is just this kind of recycling machine which can help you solve the problem of polystyrene waste during Christmas. The machine can reduce the volume of the chunk foam with high ratio of 50:1. The foam will turn into EPS blocks after crushing and compacting.  After compaction, it can be reused to make other valuable products such as picture frames and clothes hangers.


As I told you, most of Christmas decorations are made from polystyrene foam and the foam can be recycled. So when you are enjoying your Christmas, do not forget to recycle the decorations foam and also you can tell something about the foam recycling to your family, friends and others. So Merry Christmas to you!