The foam container can be completely valued in GREENMAX

Portland is joining a growing group of cities in banning polystyrene foam containers. Starting today, packaging food and beverage in products made of polystyrene foam will not allowed to be possessed, sold, or offered in restaurants, grocery stores and nonprofit food servers in Portland. If violate the rules, you will be fined up to $250.


Polystyrene is often called Styrofoam, which has been commonly used for takeout foam containers, bowls, cups, and food trays in the food industry.

Items made of this material are extremely difficult to recycle and often end up as litter in our open spaces, rivers and oceans. They break down into small toxic pieces that wildlife and aquatic animals consume because they can’t distinguish the small pieces from food.


If you have polystyrene you want to recycle, GREENMAX recycling is your best choice you can choose. You may question who is GREENMAX? How can it do it ? here comes the answer:

Established in 2008, GREENMAX machine from INTCO, who is a specialist in polystyrene foam, has recycling machines which include Styrofoam compactors, beverage dewatering machine, and polystyrene foam compactor.


GREENMAX polystyrene foam compactor that specializes in polystyrene recycling. The machine can compress all kinds of polystyrene foam and can help you to reduce the volume of polystyrene foam up to 50:1. The machine can smash foam containers and compress it into tight block. Foam containers , after compaction, can be sold for recycling and reusing them to make frame products and construction moldings, such as crown molding, wall panel, etc.

The foam container can be completely valued in GREENMAX which can be turned into recycled useful products. If interested, you are welcome to join us.