Polystyrene recycling can create economic benefits and save resources 

It is reported that Vanuatu is planning to ban disposable non-biodegradable plastic bags and polystyrene takeout containers to reduce coastal and marine pollution on January .


According to an environmental report, plastic litter was having a damaging impact on the ocean waters around the main island of Efate. In addition, from the report, the government and council of ministers  can analyse which waste items were most problematic to the coastal and marine environments.

“The report helped us identify that it was plastic bags and polystyrene foam takeaway containers that are the most stressing.” Head of Maritime and Ocean Affairs from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Toney Tevi said.


In recent years, plastic bag and polystyrene foam containers are the main source of ocean pollution. However, a lot of people make an effort to clean up the waste debris of oceans. According the survey, from the ocean clean up, there are plastics/foam packaging accounting for 67.8 percent of the litter.

It is very important to recycle plastic and polystyrene foam for the environment. The recycling machine has been welcomed in the recycling fields. If you want to recycle polystyrene waste, you can use GREENMAX polystyrene recycling machine.


The machine can reduce the volume of waste foam with a compression ratio of 50:1. The foam can easily be compressed into EPS blocks by the compacting system of the machine.

Polystyrene recycling can create economic benefits and save resources instead of going out with the trash, the EPS blocks can be turned into items like picture framing or clothing hanger.

If you want to know more about plastic recycling, you will be welcomed to visit GREENMAX.