Polystyrene is a very popular plastic that can withstand harsh situations without being damaged. However, some environmentalists urge lawmakers to ban or significantly restrict the production of this material because wasted polystyrene would cause pollution.

New research about Polystyrene decomposition

Recently, a new study has revealed how difficult it is for polystyrene to decompose, and the study has stated that even under optimal decomposition conditions, a piece of polystyrene waste can exist for several decades. The study, published in Environmental Science and Technology Letters, had the conclusion of effects of sunlight on polystyrene. The researchers explained that polystyrene still takes hundreds of years to decompose under sunlight, but this process may take thousands of years without light.

This shows that even in the best decomposition conditions, polystyrene still pollute the environment for decades. This is very harmful for the natural environment. Now, INTCO RECYCLING, as an environmental protection guard, tells you something about foam recycling and foam densifier.

Better solutions about Polystyrene decomposition

Due to the low density of EPS, foam recycling is also a challenge. Because EPS is large but light, transportation costs are high. Considering this factor, foam densifier is a good solution. Because after compressing the material, it has greatly improved both in transportation cost and transportation time.

Beyond that, density and volume are not the only issues. Cleaning issues have also been an ongoing issue in EPS recycling. The material must be free of any contaminants before compression, or it will cause quality issues for future end users.

About GREENMAX machine

Aiming to the before challenges, GREENMAX APOLO series machine would be a simple, safe and economical solution for foam recycling and foam densifier. It converts large number of lightweight foamed plastic foams into valuable resources. And the densified foam could also be applied in other products, like picture frames and some specialized construction products. At present, Polystyrene Compactor APOLO C300 is popular with existed client and some detailed technical data are as followed:


Compression Ratio: 50:1

Compressed Density: 200-400kg/m3

If you want to know more information about the products or VIP cases, please contact us!