How to Accelerate the Phase-out Polystyrene Plan in Australia?

APCO, the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation, has been charged by Environmental Ministers in Australia to lead the 2025 National Packaging Targets. One of the 2025 Targets is to phase out problematic and unnecessary single-use plastic packaging by 2025, which including the expanded polystyrene (EPS) materials that are closely related to our daily lives.


EPS is a widely used packaging material often as food containers, delivery boxes, serves critical functions in medicine, keeps food fresh, and reduces transport costs. The EPS Working Group 2018’s vision is for EPS packaging to be recycled and reused wherever viable and sustainable. In many applications, EPS could be phased out and replaced with a more traditionally recyclable alternative. There must be sustainable end-markets that achieve the highest potential environmental value for recycled EPS including greater local processing facilities.

To achieve the EPS recycling targets, all consumers must have access to a convenient drop-off or collection point for EPS, for example through local government resource recycling facilities and/or producer/retailer take-back schemes. The Working Group proposes at least one drop-off site in each local government area, where they are equipped with professional EPS recycling machines, which can be used to efficiently compress the bulky EPS into dense blocks for further processing, turning waste EPS into profitable goods to be sold on the market again.


GREENMAX EPS Compactor is a high-quality EPS recycling machine equipped with screw compression technology and overwhelmingly high efficiency, which can compress the waste EPS into dense blocks with a density of 50:1, helping to save storage space and transportation costs. With the help of the EPS Compactor, the troublesome EPS waste will be recycled into exquisite decorative photo frames instead of being abandoned in the natural environment as white pollutants, accelerating Australia’s expanded polystyrene “phase-out” plan.

If you are interested in starting your EPS recycling business, GREENMAX can provide you with a customized recycling solution according to your industry, warehouse, budget, etc. GREENMAX will be your right-hand man just a phone call away.