Earth Day 2022: Everything you need to know

More than half a century since Earth Day was first observed, we examine its history and this year’s theme of “invest in our planet”.

When Earth Day 2022 is commemorated around the globe on Friday 22 April it will be its 52nd anniversary. However what is its background and what development, if any kind, has been made given that it was first celebrated in 1970?

2022 Australia Earth Day

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day is a yearly worldwide event to demonstrate support for environmental protection as well as emphasize how we can take action. Marked on 22 April yearly, it is worked with via

In some cases, the week adding to it is described as Earth Week. According to the organizers, it is recognized by around one billion individuals from greater than 190 countries.

2022 Earth Week

What are its origins?

The initial Earth Day came about after a 1969 oil spill in Santa Barbara, The Golden State.

In April 1970, 20 million Americans demonstrated– 10% of the United States populace at the time– in different cities in protest against air and also water pollution.

At the time there were not the legal or governing mechanisms to secure our world that exist in the US today, such as clean air and clean water acts.

Senator Gaylord Nelson is attributed with forcing ecological concerns onto the US national agenda as Planet Day’s owner.

Motivated by the student anti-war movement, he had announced the idea of a “teach-in” on university campuses to the United States media and also employed the aid of an activist called Denis Hayes.

Teams that had been campaigning for the atmosphere independently then came to be united around a usual cause and also the selected day of 22 April.

What was the influence of the very first Earth Day in 1970?

The protests led to the creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency and first-of-their-kind environmental laws.

According to, these legislations have “safeguarded countless males, women, and youngsters from illness and also fatality as well as have actually secured numerous species from termination”.

How did Earth Day become a global campaign?

By 1990 Denis Hayes– defined by Rolling Stone as “the Mark Zuckerberg of the environmental movement”– had been come close to by ecological leaders to mobilize one more advocate for the planet. Earth Day 1990 went global as well as in 1992 the United Nations Planet Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

As the millennium approached Hayes accepted spearheading a project concentrated on global warming utilizing digital media.

How is Earth Day marked?

In 2010 The Earth Day Network launched A Billion Acts of Environment-friendly, the collection of one billion commitments from people, businesses, federal governments as well as organizations.

It intended to prove that “real change occurs when numerous people devote themselves to it with their activities”.

Activity taken ranges from neighborhood activity, like clean-ups or “citizen science” assisting to contribute to international data sources of understanding, to political involvement.

What is the theme for 2022?

Earth Day 2022’s theme is Invest in our Planet. has actually released 52 methods to get involved, consisting of standing versus logging, asking for environment-friendly power, and signing petitions.

2022 Earth Day Theme

This year’s Earth Day comes simply weeks after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s third upgrade this year emphasizing that discharges must be dramatically reduced within this decade if we are to restrict global heating to the Paris Arrangement target of 1.5 ° C.

Kathleen Rogers, Head of, has actually claimed: “If we are to make the Paris Arrangement indicate anything at all after that we should interact. This means everybody from individuals, companies, governments, and other parts of civil culture have to commit to a transformative shift in the worldwide economic climate.

“The solutions are available and also we understand what needs to be done, whether it’s transitioning to renewable resources, conserving our woodlands as well as lands, or ridding ourselves of the scourge of plastic pollution.”

What has this got to do with investing?

The ways we invest can likewise make a distinction to the atmosphere– as well as business and also countries’ influence on the earth are significantly hitting their bottom lines.

Andrew Howard, Global Head of Sustainable Investment, claimed: “Stakeholder pressure and government treatment are compelling firms to take responsibility for the ecological and also social influences their activities produce. Costs that were formerly externalized to culture will become internalized on firms’ monetary declarations.”


This is why new approaches to investment analysis are required to identify, measure as well as handle the impacts of these altering stress.

SustainEx, an effective tool made use of by Schroders’ investment specialists, measures the prices companies would certainly encounter if every one of their negative surfaces were valued, or the increase if advantages were identified monetarily.

Howard says: “Business does not run in a vacuum– they are impacted by society and also have impacts on society.”

GREENMAX has been helping businesses recycle polystyrene and protect the earth. If you also want to recycle polystyrene, participate in Earth Day activities, and protect our environment, contact us now.