North American expanded polystyrene (EPS) resin producers have invested more than $185 million in EPS recycling technology, driving sustainable development in many industries. Leading resin manufacturers such as RAPAC, Eppsilyte, Styropek and BASF have developed proprietary formulations that enable more than 30% recycled content in many applications.
EPS is made from non-renewable resources such as oil and natural gas. It has excellent properties such as waterproofing and cushioning, so EPS is widely used. But used EPS is often a problem. EPS is large in size and light in weight, and its accumulation often occupies a large area. And if EPS foam is shipped by truck, shipping and handling costs can be very high. However, the GREENMAX foam recycling machine can compress loose foam at a ratio of 50:1. The reduced volume of EPS allows companies to reduce the cost of collecting and disposing of waste EPS. With the help of compactors, foam management can be optimized in terms of space and frequency of waste collection. The reduction of transportation costs can make EPS an excellent “secondary raw material” for various processes and realize the recycling of EPS.
After collection, crushing, compression, granulation and other processes, waste EPS can be reused by manufacturers and become new products that enter people’s daily lives. GREENMAX foam recycling machines can help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and ultimately contribute to a more sustainable waste management system. By recycling EPS, we conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production and transportation of new plastic products. Additionally, recycling EPS foam can create new jobs and stimulate the economy, as recycled EPS can be used to produce a variety of products, including picture frames, insulation and surfboards.
In addition to developing GREENMAX foam recycling machines, INTCO Recycling applies advanced EPS recycling technology and recycled foam product development technology to realize the recycling of EPS and form a circular economy model.