How to implement Styrofoam recycling?

Can all foam waste materials be recycled? How does waste Styrofoam recycling monetize? How to start a Styrofoam recycling business? If I am a foam producer and I don’t want to handle waste materials with much money invested, can I choose Styrofoam recycling? With all of these questions, GREENMAX can give you an answer.

In the first place, in terms of the current Styrofoam recycling market, not every type of foam waste can be recycled. On the one hand, there are limitations of technology and on the other hand, there are no downstream foam material collectors that can match the current recycling market. It means that it is not impossible to perform compression and recycling while the compacted materials have no use scenarios and cannot be monetized, contributing to this material being unable to be recycled basically.

At this point, GREENMAX can answer the second question – How does waste Styrofoam recycling monetize? Simply, selling compacted foam materials to the downstream recyclers can obtain stable profit. Or you can do Styrofoam recycling yourself, process waste into particles and sell the foam particles, or make and sell other finished products from the particles, which is the current recycling model of GREENMAX.

Many customers recognize GREENMAX for the first time not due to the foam recycling machine, but due to our building material products, such as skirting, photo frame, mirror frame, floor, etc. These products are all made from recycled foam particles, which is also a Styrofoam recycling model exclusive to GREENMAX. This model includes the sale of foam compactors, repurchasing compressed Styrofoam blocks, the granulation of foam blocks for personal use or sale, and finally selling finished products made from foam particles.

For Styrofoam producers, it is inevitable to produce foam waste in the manufacturing process. These foam waste materials cannot be discarded at random due to some regulations, which will cause waste disposal costs. Many enterprises wish that make a profit by Styrofoam recycling, or even not make a profit just to save process costs.

In this circumstance, GREENMAX advises you that you can purchase a foam compactor, which is a two-pronged approach for manufacturers who do not want to make a large investment, not only reducing input costs but also being exchanged for a certain income. If possible, GREENMAX can repurchase your compacted foam blocks stably, reducing customers’ worries.