Maintaining APEC Blue Needs the Environmental Protection Make Efforts

It is futile to economic development regardless of environmental protection. Luckily, advances in science and technology make the economic development and environmental protection is no longer a “zero sum game”, pollution generated by economic activity can be handled completely by scientific governance to get harm minimization. Also, environmental protection industry itself can become a new economic growth point.


During the APEC meeting, Beijing weather is better quality, “APEC Blue” is also the word that is quickly spread on the network open. General Secretary attended the welcoming banquet speech of the word are mentioned directly, and the secretary stress that he hopes and believes that through efforts.

Admittedly, “APEC Blue” due to “human effort, the day to help.” To truly realize “let’s APEC Blue” maintained that demands all people to try their best.


Course of economic development of countries have shown that at a certain stage of economic development, environmental protection and the development of the contradiction between the objective existence, and sometimes even the contradictory is very intense. Particularly for relatively weak economic base of the developing countries, economic growth is to achieve social stability and people’s livelihood and well-being of other undertakings foundation. In order to maintain a high level of environmental standards at the expense of economic and environmental protection are leaving exploit.


Fortunately, advances in science and technology make economic development and environmental protection no longer a ‘ZERO SUM GAME’, the pollution generated by economic activity through scientific management can achieve harm minimization, and environmental protection industry itself can become a new economic growth point. According to the State Department of Environmental Protection industry remains relatively small overall size, technology is relatively backward, industry gathering is not high, the lack of personnel and funding problems through policy guidance, market aggregation, build stronger environmental policy support and technical innovation system.