Gradually, more and more recycling companies start accepting styrofoam. Except for those who take it to landfill, many choose to sell it to a broker.
The reason why they landfill styrofoam is the amount they get is quite little, for instance, 500 lbs per month. Without a space for storage, taking such an amount to a broker does not seem cost effective. Any other choices apart from landfill? Definitely yes. First step would be expanding the quantity. Think about at any places waste polystyrene is being generated every day. Think about any procedures of a certain industry where polystyrene is widely used. Dozens of answers well up. Just take a certain routine and follow the rule, quantity is no longer a problem. Then, landfill is out of option.
With a great quantity, it’s time to take prices on the table.
Is selling to a broker a good way? Might be, but not the best. Price swings and transportation costs are what matter. A broker has the wildest fluctuations for prices. Sometimes, you do not get the usual price for the material but a lower one. And you may need to cover the cost for shipping the material to the broker. The best way is selling the material to an end user who would reuse styrofoam to produce certain commodities. For instance, Intco, a company who purchase waste styrofoam and reuse it to produce picture frames. Those companies always need large amounts of styrofoam so you can be the permanent supplier, getting a steady price. Also, they usually pick up the material at your location so that transportation fees are out of your concerns.
Partnered with those companies, a systematical recycling of polystyrene is formed.